The Meat of It

Welcome back to our #Macro series! This week, we are talking about protein – our FAVORITE macro nutrient. Protein is so, so important for your body – regardless of where you are getting it from and you are probably not getting enough of it.

The Real Nerdy Stuff

Protein is found in every cell of your body and is made up of more than 20 building blocks called amino acids. Our body makes most of these amino acids by itself from scratch but there are nine “essential” amino acids that must come from food. You must have all of these building blocks, by creating and consuming amino acids for your body to form protein.

A plate full of meat

A plate full of meat

There is much debate as to where we should our protein from, as it can come from both animal and plant sources. Regardless of where you choose to get your protein – the fact is that only animal sources have complete proteins, which means it contains all the essential amino acids your body needs in one place. If you choose plant-based protein, they usually lack one or more essential amino acids (except for quinoa and chia seeds!) so you must eat a variety throughout the day or pair them with others so they form a complete protein. Not impossible by any means, but it requires a bit more effort and thought.

Your immune system depends on protein to fight off disease – that’s why your mom’s chicken soup is the best medicine! Protein also contains collagen, which is a supernutrient that helps heal injuries, cuts and scrapes, makes your hair shiny and healthy, skin smooth and elastic (good-bye wrinkles!) and keeps nails long and strong.

But wait, there’s more! Protein also helps with hormone regulation. It regulates glucagon, which helps regulate body fat and reduces the level of ghrelin, the hunger hormone, to keep you satisfied longer. If you’re trying to loose body fat, eat more protein, you will be fuller longer and reduce cravings.

A food market in Luang Prabang, Laos

A food market in Luang Prabang, Laos

The Real Deal

So clearly, protein has superpowers and you are probably not getting enough of it. If you’re trying to loose fat, gain muscle mass, get stronger, build a baby, get over a cold or an injury – EAT MORE PROTEIN.

How much, you ask? The National Academy of Medicine recommends 0.8 grams for every kilogram of body weight, so about 7 grams per 20 pounds. For a 140 lb. person, that’s 50 grams of protein. While that is enough to keep you from being deficient, that is not nearly an optimal level. You should ideally shoot for at least half your body weight in protein but don’t be afraid to add more. If you’re trying to hit 30% of your daily calories from protein, then that number will be closer to 125-175 grams. That may sound like a lot but you can build up to it. Unfortunately, it’s not as easy as eating a giant steak in one sitting – your body doesn’t store protein so it’s broken down as soon as it’s digested so you need to break out the quantity throughout the day in order to absorb it properly.  If you shoot for 20-30 grams of protein per meal and add protein to all your snacks – protein powder, nut butters, etc. you should hit your protein goals every day easily and get those #gainz.

Leave a comment below with any other protein questions!